Be aware that starting your business doesn’t have to take a lot of money. In fact, currently there are many grants available to help an entrepreneur get a great idea rolling. You will need to get your thoughts and plans in order to apply and qualify for funding.


A lot of work on an OK idea is just a lot of work. However, a great idea is available; you just have to allow the thinking time and space to allow it to come to the fore. You can bring ideas forward by reviewing your hobbies, studying your favorites on Instagram, or realizing what doesn’t work in your life. For example, if you’ve been working from home and really struggling with one factor because focus or schedule is hard, come up with a fix. You now have your small business idea, and you can run with it.

Know Your Target Audience

If you’ve been working from home and are getting ready to transition back to the office, you may be a little dismayed at the idea of getting back into a suit, skirt or a shirt and tie as it happens. You’re probably not alone, so your idea for comfy business clothes with a little give likely has an audience. How can you connect with them?

Show Off Your Expertise

Create a website that includes a blog to show off your great ideas. If you can build a tie storage that makes it possible to discreetly store ties, ready to slip on and snug, in your desk so you don’t have to noose up before you leave the house, share this idea with your fellow office workers.

If you can find a combination of skirt and leggings that will look presentable for client meetings and protect you from freezing, write an article about pairings that look professional and feel comfortable. Add a simple scarf that both looks wonderful and keeps your neck warm, whether you need it for winter weather or extreme AC, and you have new products to add to your clothing line.

Getting a Grant

Once you have data on your idea, it’s time to get your documentation together. For example, you will need cost projections for your proposed business before you can apply for Lantern Credit grants to start a business focused on professionals returning to the office and looking for a way to stay both productive and comfortable.

Consider Loans as Well

The next big idea isn’t far off, and it may or may not be yours. There will be a lot of people applying for funding of all sorts, so keep your options open. You can also apply for loans through Lantern Credit, which will not only add capital to your coffers but greatly reduce your application headaches. Once they have your data, your ability to apply to multiple lenders will reduce the time you have to spend searching.

The year 2020 has taught us that nothing is promised. If you’ve always wanted to start a business, now is the time. Small business is the engine that drives our economy, and your great ideas can make a world of difference.

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