Mice are furry rodents that are found in holes, near debris, under rocks, underneath bushes, and in cluttered areas such as basements and attics. Methods on how to get rid of them include frequently cleaning cluttered areas such as garages and attics, securely storing all food products, and sealing cracks in the foundation of the house, and of course, calling in the best mice exterminator in Phoenix, AZ company.
Outside the house, it is important to clean excess debris of garbage, wood, plants, shrubs, or trees.
Mice are unsanitary rodents that defecate around the house, gnaw at furniture and wood, and transmit disease. They are most active in dark areas and are most likely found in crowded areas with other insects.
They have the tendency to eat almost anything, but primarily feed off vegetables, flowers, fruits, grains, insects, and meats.
Unfortunately, they are found in large populations around the house, and an infestation can occur without any visible evidence because they tend to come at night and hide during the day.
Products such as bait and snap traps are effective in killing them. Bait can be sprinkled in hard to reach areas and around the house where they nest. The toxicity of the bait will kill the mouse quickly.
Rats and mice cannot see very well, so they like to run close to structures. By leaving a scent trail, they will travel the same paths repeatedly. Rats seem to be smarter and more cautious, while mice seem to be more curious.
For homeowners, options are more limited than licensed pest control operators. However, in normal situations, you can do the same treatment that they would use. The most common options are glue boards, snap traps, and poison. If you are not interested in handling the rodent yourself, dead or alive, I recommend using the poison.
IPM (Integrated Pest Management) is using more than one means of control. This increases your odds of success.
Snap Traps: Find the path along with the structure that they are using by looking for excrement, gnawing, rub marks, or urine stains.
Remove any existing food sources without disturbing their habitat. The part of the trap you bait should be placed perpendicular to the structure so they won’t have to walk around it and set the trap off by bumping into it.
Rats and mice do not like change and are very cautious so once you find a good trap placement does not change it. For mice, since they are curious it is advisable to change trap placement.
Since rodents are creatures of habits it is a good idea to use the trap unset for 2-3 days before you set the trap and set a series of traps so they will drop their guard when you do set the trap.
Glue Boards: Place glue boards along with the structure that they are running. They should not be placed in areas that are at normal temperature.
Extreme cold or heat will affect how well the glue will hold them. Like the snap, do not peel the paper off of the glue board for 2-3 nights to let them get comfortable enough to drop their guard.
Bait placed in the middle can be used to increase the odds of success also. Glue boards are more successful with mice than rats. I have caught up to 6 mice on the same glue board at the same time.
Poison: The federal government changed the rodenticide laws in 2011. All poison is now to be used in tamper-proof containers in areas that protect children, pets, and wildlife from being able to get to the poison.
You can purchase the poison in pre-baited stations. Any loose poison must come with a tamper-proof container to put in the poison. There are many different ingredients of poisons available.
They are grouped into 2 categories, single or multiple feed. The single feed poisons are effective after one feeding, usually making the rodents ill and begin to get lethargic, usually looking for water, in as little as 10 hours.
The multiple feed poisons usually require several feedings to reach a lethal dosage. In structures, it is recommended using single feed over the multiple feeds because the odds of the rodent dying in a building are much less than the multiple feeds.
Exclusion, sanitation, and reducing harborage sites are your best means for prevention.
Author Bio:
Digvijay Singh Kanwar is a professional Content writer and Digital marketing expert and he loves to write about Finance and Health based Articles. For more details, you can contact him on digvijaykanwar96@gmail.com