If you’re struggling with weak pelvic floor muscles and incontinence, the Emsell Pelvic Floor treatment could be for you. An innovation in pelvic floor treatments, the Emsella chair uses electromagnetic energy. This treatment is a breakthrough in pelvic floor treatment and improving incontinence. Mainly used by women, men can also benefit from the treatment. The non-surgical option is available at a range of specialized clinics around Australia.

What can cause incontinence, and when is it experienced?

A range of medical issues can cause a weak pelvic floor or incontinence. Pelvic floor treatment should be sought when incontinence affects daily life activities. While this is not an all-inclusive list, below are some causes of incontinence.

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Prolapse
  • Menopause
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s
  • Medications

It is completely different for everyone when incontinence and a weak pelvic floor are experienced. However, some of the most common occurrences when experiencing this are sneezing, laughter, coughing, or jumping.

How does a weak pelvic floor have an impact on overall well-being?

For anyone who has experienced a weak pelvic floor, you’ll understand the impact it can have on your life and well-being. A weak pelvic floor can lead to a lack of confidence and prevent you from completing regular activities. This can ripple through to all facets of life. The constant need to go to the bathroom or leaking, often associated with a weak pelvic floor, can become irritating and get in the way of day-to-day life.

How does the Emsella chair work?

Patients sit on the chair for 30 minutes using electromagnetic energy, which causes the supra-maximal pelvic floor muscles to contract. When the muscles tighten and contract, it promotes the body to restore the lesser-used neuromuscular control in the pelvic floor region. These stretched muscles cause the muscles to relax, and as a result, the bladder sags over the anterior wall of the vagina, causing problems when the bladder is full.

Particularly strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and the bladder. The surge of energy helps to tighten to walls of the vagina, leaving the constant urge to urinate behind. However, This activity promotes the same action of doing kegel exercise with much less intensity and effort. It’s equivalent to the intensity of completing 11,200 pelvic floor exercises.

Most practices recommend six treatments over three weeks. The positive effects can last up to a year, with kegel exercises used in between to build further and maintain the muscles. However, this varies for each patient and their medical history.

Are there any downsides to the treatment?

Pelvic floor treatment, such as the Emsella chair, has no downsides. While it is an investment, it outweighs the constant cost of medication that assists in attempting to strengthen the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor treatment is completely pain-free and non-invasive. The sensation of the Emsella chair can be described as a slight tingling sensation. However, this is entirely different for everyone. Oftentimes patients will start to see positive signs after the first treatment.

What are the other benefits of the Emsella chair?

Specifically for women with weak pelvic floor, their vagina can often result in vaginal laxity. Due to the ‘openness’ of the vagina, this results in a decreased feeling during penetrative sex. However, when women undergo the treatment, their vaginal walls strengthen, increasing their sexual pleasure and sex drive and ultimately making it easier to achieve an orgasm.

Final Thoughts

The Emsella chair is an excellent solution for those looking for pelvic floor treatment. Completely non-invasive and pain-free, it provides women and men with the solution to improve their pelvic floor through a pelvic floor treatment.

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