The universe is enormous. It’s so enormous that light, which travels at 186,000 miles per second, wouldn’t be able to travel from one end of the universe to the other before the universe ends.
To help us establish the limits of the observable universe, the Hubble Space Telescope is the most important piece of technology. It has provided a more detailed view of the cosmos than ever before. But now, as per Betway Casino, the Hubble Space Telescope is soon to be replaced by the Webb Space Telescope, which is scheduled to be launched in December 2021.
1- Big questions about the universe
Astronomy is much more than just stargazing. It is the subject where we study stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.
Besides studying celestial objects, we also learn about interesting phenomena that originate outside the Earth’s atmosphere. It uses Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics to answer some of the big questions about the cosmos.
Astronomy tries to push the boundaries of human understanding. It uses the power of scientific inquiry to gain knowledge about the unknown.
2- Insignificance of Earth
Astronomy gives a lot of benefits to human beings. It leaves a positive influence on how we live today. Technologies ranging from defense satellites to GPS and the computer language all have an astronomical root.
Astronomy also reminds us of the insignificance of our Earth compared to the universe which is infinite.
3- Diverse field
Astronomy is a very diverse field. It has applications in many other industries, including medicine, energy, and aerospace, etc.
It is divided into further branches. Planetary Astronomy is the study of planets and planetary bodies, such as moons, comets, and asteroids. Solar Astronomy focuses specifically on the Sun, studying the systems and characteristics of the star. While Stellar Astronomy deals with questions such as how the stars are born, how they evolve and what happens when they die, etc. Then there are other subjects like Galactic Astronomy, Observational Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astrobiology, and Astrogeology.
Astronomers also have different skills and specialties. Some are theoreticians who create models with the help of computer programs to simulate a star or a supernova, etc. The instrumentalist’s design and build new instruments for measurements. While the observationalists specialize in analyzing the data. There are some astronomers who are good at all these things.
4- Fascinating subject
Astronomy is an extremely interesting subject. People who choose to specialize in this subject are some of the most passionate people. This is also a field in which amateurs play an active role.
For astronomers, discovering new things about the cosmos is an incredible experience. However, they mention the opportunity to share that information with others as also highly fulfilling.
Astronomy is an excellent subject to motivate and inspire young children about science.
5- Travelling to different countries
Students of Astronomy get to work with some of the highly-talented and qualified professors. They also get the opportunity to travel to different countries for their research work.
Students also use powerful telescopes to visit distant cosmic objects. They have some of the most advanced instruments at their disposal which they use to gain insights into the things happening far far away. The subject of Astronomy appeals to a lot of people around the world, including even the sports fanatics who are always debating about the best goalkeepers of all time are attracted by the fascinating topics that it discusses.
Astronomy is the oldest of the natural sciences which dares to question beyond our Earth. It has its origins in the religious, mythological and astrological beliefs and practices of prehistory.