When you own a hot tub, it’s a little different from having a bath or shower installed in the bathroom at home. It’s a full hydrotherapy experience for you, and as such, it’s a more complicated piece of equipment than a bath or other bathing system.

Here are a few points of note for when you want to buy a hot tub and need to know how to maintain it in the best condition over the years.

Getting Confusion Over the Names Out of the Way

While hot tubs have been around for decades in various forms, there isn’t a standard one name fits all moniker for them. As a result, while it may be referred to as a hot tub online, it’s useful to know that it will be also called a Jacuzzi or a portable spa too. So, the names may change, but they’re still the same thing.

Replace Hot Tub Filters to Avoid Problems

To keep the water clean and refreshed, some tubs have an automatic system to recycle the water. This happens periodically and ensures that it remains free from any contaminants that might get into the H20.

Replacing Filters Based on Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Even for systems that don’t have an automatic system, the filters ensure that water is either pre-filtered or filtered each time it’s cycled through the system. It’s more cost-effective than refilling the water continually but it’s necessary to replace the filters at the end of their useful cycle for tubs that use this process.

Keeping Existing Filters for Longer

It’s possible to extend the life of existing filters by removing them and giving them a rinse periodically. Also, you can get a hot tub cleaner to spray on them and then give them a thorough rinse afterward. For more stubborn clogging, a chemical cleaner that’s suitable for hot tubs is useful to soak the filters, but they must be completely rinsed out and all remaining chemical expunged before reusing the filter when cleaning them this way.

Cleaning the Hot Tub

When you’ve picked up exactly the model that you wanted from a reputable company like Oasis Leisure, then it’s important to know that the tub will need a weekly clean to keep it in tip-top condition.

Outdoor Tubs

For outdoor tubs, you’ll usually use a covering over the top of it to prevent most of the potential debris from finding its way into the tub. This is an excellent idea, but you’ll be surprised that leaves, twigs, and other miscellaneous debris will still magically get inside anyway.

Every week, remove any debris that’s discovered inside the tub or on the seating nearby. Then wipe the tub down with white vinegar to clean it and remove any bacteria from forming. The cover itself should also be cleaned using a solution that includes a small amount of bleach to prevent mildew from forming due to the moisture level.

Indoor Tubs

Indoor hot tubs, they’re generally easier to keep clean and are less vulnerable to moisture causing a bacterial build-up. The same white vinegar cleaner is going to do the trick. Clean and dry off everything afterward.

Getting the Water Balance Right

The pH scale for your water is more important than you realize. The scale is useful to measure both alkali and acidic levels to ensure the water that you bathe in is at a healthy level. For pH levels, higher than a 7 is alkaline and below 7 indicates acidic.

You have a choice usually whether to use chlorine in your water (like they do in most swimming pools) or bromine. When it comes to pH levels and using chlorine, then a pH of 7.2 to 7.6 is the best. However, it’s different for bromine users where a pH of 7.0 to 7.4 is better for the hot tub and you too.

The pH level should be adjusted if it’s found to be either too low or too high. There are testing kits to help test the water levels.

How to Handle Foam on the Water’s Surface

Sometimes, you’ll begin to notice a foam or residue on the surface of the tub after it has been used a few times. This is quite normal and nothing to be alarmed about.

The residue typically originates from the detergent that remains in bathing suits, swim shorts, or bikinis after they’ve been washed. The jets and heat act a little like a washing machine in that they expel any remaining detergent into the water. As a result, it can rise to the surface.

It’s also possible that anyone wearing body lotion or makeup who goes into the water could cause these to get into the tub’s water too and it’ll respond similarly.

The previous cleaning tips using water, a vinegar solution, a thorough wipe down and clean water afterward is the solution here.

A Word About Cleaning Using Chemical Solutions

It’s always best to find a cleaning solution that’s designed for hot tubs, baths, or something similar. General household cleaners may not be appropriate for a hot tub, specifically. In most cases, hot tub chemicals will be in a highly concentrated form. They will require dilution to bring them to a suitable level and won’t clog up the tub’s internal systems.

Use a clear, clean plastic container to pour the chemical into. Never mix one chemical with another thinking it’ll work out better or because the first solution is almost running out. They won’t play nicely together! Allow for the chemical fumes to dissipate, so it’s a good idea to handle the chemicals outside wherever possible.

Also, be careful of any spillage. Protect your hands and eyes. Wash your hands after preparing the chemicals to avoid wiping your eyes while the solution is still partly present.

Taking care of your hot tub to keep it in the best condition is not that difficult or time-consuming. However, it’s important to set a schedule for when you’ll do it and add a reminder on your calendar to prompt you. This avoids a build-up that could be more problematic to clean later. Just like most things, if you take the time to maintain it well, it’ll last longer and provide more value to you.

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