‘Take a walk’ was associated with older people. No sweat, and slowly. But those days are over. Walking is a hit! And it’s no longer about old and slow. It’s for everybody and very sportive. No sweat? You are warned. It’s a very intensive sport nowadays.
Hiking is hot. It’s no longer about taking a walk; it is more than that. And it’s no longer associated with older people. Even young people discover hiking, the most sportive way of walking.
Hiking is walking, but more intensive
Hiking is walking, of course, but more sportive and more intensive. It’s more than walking for an hour. Mostly you go out for a couple of hours, with a professional pair of hiking-shoes en a sportive outfit.
And more and more people chose for hiking for a couple of days. They stay in a hotel or B&B and go out every day. Other’s make a real trip and travel further and further for some days. And a couple of days hiking ask for a good outfit and materials.
Padded shoulder straps make the backpack easy to carry
Professional backpacks and travel bags are a necessity when you go out that way. An Eastpak backpack or travel bag for example. You put everything into it if you go out for a weekend hiking in the woods or mountains. Mostly you spend the night in a B&B or a cabin. Make sure you bring the best outfit, good sportive clothes, and clean socks!
If you go out for more than one weekend, you need a bigger travel bag, and maybe a backpack that you carry with you. The Eastpak backpack black is easy to carry, and you can bring a lunch, energy bars, a raincoat and again an extra pair of socks with you. There is enough room for all of this, and the padded shoulder straps make the backpack easy to carry.
How to walk in a comfortable way
There is a guideline for different backpacks to take with you and how many kilos they can carry. The longer the trip, the bigger the backpack.
Keep this in mind:
- Backpack for one day – 5 – 7 kilo’s
- Backpack for a weekend – 10-12 kilo’s
- Backpack for more day’s – 12-18 kilo’s
A backpack may not weigh more than twenty percent of your own body weight. So you can walk in a comfortable way. It’s necessary to get used to carrying a backpack, so take your time and practice first.