You love the classical style, or you are more into a modern one? Maybe you prefer a timeless copy? Whatever it is, a student cannot do without it: the schoolbag.

In the early days, the seventies and eighties of the last century, the classical school bag was there. Not named like that, it was just thé schoolbag (translated to Dutch: schooltas). There was no other choice.

Students carry this enormous schoolbag every day with them. At the back of their bike or over their shoulder or crossbody when they biked or walked to school — filled with books, agenda, lunch, an apple, pencils, wallet, and a notebook.

Some students wrote quotes or the names of their favorite artist on the leather of their bag. Others let it that way. It seemed to be an investment for years, this bag.

Some kids find a classical school bag in the attic

Nowadays this bag is vintage style. Some kids find one in the attic or behind the bookcase of their parents. When théy were young, they had one! These classical bags are nowadays produced again, but slightly different. Not as big or rude as they used to be.

Some students love it to have such an old one. Others make another choice. There are plenty of schoolbags. We give you the top 10! (and it will still be difficult to make the right choice).

Top 3 of lady’s school bags

Who doesn’t like a classical one, chooses the temporary style. You can choose out of a lot of bags. A backpack or a leather handbag. Everything is possible. Let us take a look at lady’s school bags (translated to Dutch: Schooltassen dames) first. The top 3!

The Burkely Vintage Mitch

It’s al classical example of a modern school bag. For the girls that love a stylish performance. Fits every outfit! And of course, there is room enough in the bag for papers, laptop, make-up and lots of other stuff.

Herschel Little America

Herschel creates popular school bags. Space for a laptop and much more. For example, the mid-volume (13-inch laptop). The leather buckles make it into a stylish school bag.

RAINS Field Bag

The red RAINS Field bag is a schoolbag that will make your outfit complete. It’s a real statement you make wearing this wonderful bag. Of course completely water-resistant. What’s in a name!

Striking detail: these top 3 are no childish bags with screaming colors or prints. No way. It’s about school bags that you also want if you are no student at all. There very stylish.

A timeless school bag is for years to come

We give you 7 other examples: Björn Borg Core in green, Timbuk2Messenger in blue, Burton Westfall in black, Herschel Iona in grey, RAINS MSN bag in white, Tommy Hilfiger Sport in blue with the red/white stripes, Kipling Fundamental in black.

This is all grown up bags that you can carry and use intensively for al long time. Even if you go to university, you still will have this schoolbag.

So make the right choice as a student. Of course, you can use more than one. One for summer (with a smashing color), one for wintertime (water-resistant) and so on. Good luck with making a choice.


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