The RO water purifier and the UF water purifier are two of the most counted and high-performing advanced filtration systems that the market stands proud to offer. And though both the RO and the UF include outstanding filtration properties, they differ from one another in every aspect; starting from the mineral retention, installation procedure, and maintenance cost.

Here is a breakdown of every small factor that differentiates both system and helps you to understand both of them in detail.

Ultrafiltration vs. Reverse Osmosis

The reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration are popularly known as RO and UF respectively. Both of these systems count on membrane technology. The reverse osmosis or the RO water purifier counts on a semipermeable membrane which is trusted for separating about 95-98% of the inorganic dissolved materials from the water. The ultrafiltration or the UF water purifier counts on a hollow fibre membrane to prevent both microscopic contaminants and solid debris. Irrespective of being a mechanical filter, the UF water purifier is capable of filtering water to as low as 0.025 microns.

This is the reason why it is called ultrafiltration. And on the other side, reverse osmosis is that process that separates the molecules.

Minerals and TDS

Here’s What RO Water Purifier is Trusted to Remove

The dissolved minerals from the water are eliminated by reverse osmosis. A lot of people count on reverse osmosis because they prefer pure drinking water. People trusting in RO water purifiers are amongst those who want their water to be free from all types of TDS or total dissolved solids, salts, and minerals. For those looking for the highest levels of purity, you can always choose an RO water purifier.

Here’s What UF Water Purifier is Trusted to Remove

Ultrafiltration is suitable for eliminating dissolved solids or even salts. The UF water purifiers are only installed for filtering out solid particulate matter, on a microscopic level. Maximum contaminants like cysts, chlorine, and sediment are filtered out by ultrafiltration, given the fine micron reduction capacity of the UF water purifiers. Ultrafiltration is an idea for those who wish to retain magnesium and calcium from their water.

Storage and Conservation

RO water purifier includes a cross-flow filtration. The RO system makes a couple of water streams through the membrane, out of which one path leads to a storage tank. To make the water available in reverse osmosis, you might have to put in efforts to store it. The RO storage tank is problematic for a lot of people, given how the tank takes up space under the counter.

For the water including all the dissolved inorganic materials to be flushed out, the reverse osmosis system features a hook that extends till the drain. Four gallons out of every gallon of water purified by the reverse osmosis water purifier is transformed into wastewater and this can be problematic. However, by installing a permeate pump on your RO water purifier you can boost up the efficiency and minimize the wastewater amount.

UF and RO Water Purifiers Need a Special Faucet

UF water purifier doesn’t need a storage tank and it can hook directly to the faucet. Both the RO and the UF water purifier need a special faucet, given how they wouldn’t enter your kitchen sink directly. But the UF system uses a filter to come through at one gallon/minute with no requirement of the storage tank. The UF doesn’t produce any wastewater but can rather be used to turn the wastewater potable. The UF water purifier can operate, irrespective of low water pressure.  The RO water purifier on the other hand under 50 psi cannot produce quality water, implying that you might have to consider installing a water booster pump.

The Differences of RO and UF in Terms of Storage and Conservation Explained

  • The RO water purifier needs a storage tank, because of the slow speed of the filters. And the UF water purifier can filter one gallon of water every minute
  • The RO water purifier can convert about 4 out 5 gallons into the water, as for UF water purifier it produces zero produce
  • The RO water purifier requires 50 psi to properly operate and the UF water purifier can function even under low pressure.

The Differences in Installation

Installing RO Water Purifier

A RO water purifier isn’t easy to install and requires several connections for correct operations. To prevent the backflow, the water moves the air gap faucet. It gets hooked up to the drain line and storage tank. Because of its difficult filtering process, the RO water purifier needs more components.

Installing UF Water Purifier

The UF water purifier is easy to install. You can connect both the feed supply followed by the other end of the filter. You can then easily connect these two to the faucet directly. So, in terms of installation, ultrafiltration is the best.

Whether you want to invest in a UF water purifier or a RO water purifier depends upon your personal preference. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, both systems work towards offering you pure and clean drinking water. Both of them can be considered if your major concern is to purify your drinking water.

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