HBO’s drama and thriller miniseries, The Outsider’s fourth episode titled “Que Vienne El Coco” was a Holly Gibney centric episode. The new PI, who is taking over the murder case of Frank Peterson is determined and is close to shutting the case. But it seems that as she digs in deep, strange revelations regarding another mysterious case awaits her.
So let us know what happened in the previous episode of The Outsider and what you can expect in the upcoming episode titled “Tear Drinker”.
The Outsider Episode 4 Written Update
The last episode focused mainly on Holly Gibney as she started her investigation of the case similar to the one in which Terry Maitland has been convicted. She finds out that Heath, who had been convicted for the murder of the two sisters, claimed that he was on a vacation at the time of the murder. While her mother had confirmed the story, another woman confessed about his presence at work on of the days. Also, she saw him running into Terry.
Gibney also has a chat with Peter Maitland, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have much information to give. Later she agrees to have dinner with her crush Andy, hoping she would get some help in the case. Both cases involve the presence of the convicted at two places at a time, and the DNA evidence piled against them. And as they dig seep, they agree on the fact that both the cases also had a plague of death in their families.
The Outsider Miniseries Episode 4-“Que Vienne El Coco” Recap
Gibney is confused about her next step when she gets an idea from a bartender to go back to the source. Gibney discovers that Heath met a woman on his New York trip, and finds out about Maria Coneles who was also convicted for another case like him and Terry. As she meets her, the story of supernatural stuff begins. While Maria doesn’t remember much about Heath she tells her about blowing him off on their first date. However, the other scenes show the two having breakfast, and then sleeping together in a hotel room. This is where Heath gets a scratch on his back, from where the virus had spread.
Later a woman at the jail who overhears the conversation between the two ladies tells Gibney about the demons and devils. She informs that “El Coco” is a devil who is basically a grief eater, who consumes its prey and then feeds on its family’s grief.
The Outsider Episode 5 Spoilers
With Super Bowl Weekend coming next week, most of the networks are going to stay away, but HBO will do it all for its viewers. And so the new episode of The Outsider titled “Tear Drinker” will air on Sunday at 9 PM on HBO. According to the official synopsis released, Holly Gibney will be returning from New York. She has got a few pieces of evidence from the city and will be looking for more clues. She is going to search in all the locations that are connected to the Dayton case.
The Outsider Upcoming Episode 5- “Tear Drinker” Spoilers
With new cases and new information being revealed every other second, the excitement and curiosity are at its peak. While Gibney is trying her best to dig out information about the different cases, Jeannie will face a frightening incident at work and will be shaken by it. Further, she is seen sending a threatening warning to Ralph.
Wrapping Up
The show is finally coming back on the trajectory and there are a lot more surprise elements coming your way. So tune in to HBO at 9 PM to catch up with The Outsider Episode 5 “Tear Drinker.”