CBD oils are attracting a great deal of attention and are quickly becoming one of the most popular health supplements on the market. Much of the focus surrounding CBD oils are on their benefits and the many different reasons everyone should add them to their diet.
Much less attention is paid to the fact that everyone reacts differently to CBD. Finding the perfect CBD hemp oil that delivers the desired effects can take a little trial and error. Several factors determine whether particular oil is suitable for an individual. One of the most important factors is the strength of the product.
Most brands offer their CBD oils in a variety of strength options. While it is excellent that these options exist, more information is needed to guide customers to the best CBD oil for them.
The general advice, especially for those new to the world of CBD, is to opt for the weakest oil and then increase the dosage with time, based on its effects. However, this is not always the best advice, as there are many cases when the most potent CBD tincture is a better option.
Why is this the case, and when does a potent oil become a better option?
Understanding Different CBD Oil Strengths
There are two ways that companies denote how much CBD is contained within an oil tincture. The first is to state how much CBD is within the oil in milligrams, which refers to the total amount of the cannabinoid within the solution.
The second is as a percentage stating how much of the liquid is made up of CBD. This one is less specific, as the amount of CBD within the bottle depends on the total quantity of liquid. Using percentage indicates potency very well, but you’ll need to do some math to work out how much CBD you get per serving.
The majority of CBD oil tinctures contain the same amount of oil, regardless of the cannabinoids within them. Stronger oils simply have a higher ratio of CBD to other compounds.
So, why pick stronger products? What are the benefits of choosing stronger CBD oils?
Reason to Choose Stronger CBD Oils #1: Tinctures Last Longer
No one likes to constantly update their products, and CBD is incredibly frustrating because of its typically higher cost. Buying stronger oil means that you likely don’t need to buy CBD as frequently.
Typically, the stronger the CBD oil, the less liquid is needed to trigger the desired effects. This makes CBD oil last a lot longer, and it means that you don’t need to take them as frequently either.
Plus, they will tend to have stronger effects.
Reason to Choose Stronger CBD Oils #2: Stronger Oils Means Stronger Effects
Most people believe that generally speaking, CBD is CBD, meaning that no matter how much you take, you will feel similar effects.
However, this isn’t necessarily the case.
Studies such as this one by Christian Larsen and Jorida Shahinas have shown that, while taking CBD is associated with an anxiety reduction, these effects are only true when the CBD is taken at high doses.
Despite the fact that most people think of CBD as an anxiety-curing miracle substance, it seems to only really have any kind of effect if a large quantity is taken. What’s more, it requires frequent doses of high-strength CBD to feel any reduction in anxiety.
While studies are ongoing, it appears that stronger CBD oils are a lot more convenient and are also more effective depending on why they are being taken.
Reason to Choose Stronger CBD Oils #3: Users Have to Suffer Less Taking Stronger CBD Oils
CBD oils have a lot of great potentials to help people with a myriad of different conditions. However, their effectiveness doesn’t change the universal truth that they taste absolutely awful.
Other than adding it into food and drinks, the most common way to take CBD oil is to place it under the tongue so as to allow it to be absorbed that way.
However, this doesn’t taste very good, and everyone who is a frequent user of CBD oil is familiar with that rank, sharp, and acrid taste.
While that taste is pretty much inescapable, stronger CBD oils mean you can take it less frequently. If a CBD oil is stronger, the user needs to take it less frequently, but they need to take less physical oil as well, which means less unpleasant tastes.
It might seem that important, but a less awful tasting CBD experience makes it more likely that users will take the oil consistently, generally leading to much better effects over time.