Sexual harassment accounts for nearly half of the workplace harassment complaints the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission receives every year. This could be because not everyone understands sexual harassment and what is means. One study found that 16 percent of employees did not understand what behavior constitutes sexual harassment.
This lack of understanding leads many cases of sexual harassment to go unreported or ignored. When companies have a solid plan for preventing sexual harassment, less inappropriate behavior is allowed, and more reports are made when it does. For this reason, the state of California has started requiring sexual harassment training sessions for every company that has over five employees. For more information, read more about the specific requirements for training programs in California. These requirements are set and enforced by the Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
These trainings are meant to offer a general knowledge and understanding to all employees and employers on what sexual harassment is, how it should be reported, how it should be handled, and any legal action that can be taken. The best way for employees to limit their liability with sexual harassment cases is to prevent it.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Before we look at ways to prevent sexual harassment, it is important to understand what it is. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature or directed at someone due to their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. This is a pretty broad definition that covers an enormous amount of possible behaviors.
It is considered sexual harassment, and therefore are illegal, if the behaviors are creating a hostile work environment, or if an individual’s job satisfaction is dependent of sexual favors. This includes any sexually explicit jokes, comments, or behavior that makes it difficult to perform their job. It also includes any incidents where employment, benefits, or promotions are withheld unless an individual performs sexual favors. While these cases are pretty extreme, a lot of little behaviors can lead to sexual harassment claims as well. The EEOC outlines their definition of what constitutes sexual harassment here.
How is Sexual Harassment Prevented?
Sexual harassment is prevented by creating a thorough policy for your company that covers all inappropriate behaviors. Also included in the policy is how to report these incidents. Employees should be provided multiple avenues for reporting these incidents, in case they feel uncomfortable speaking directly to their supervisor. The policy and procedure for sexual harassment should outline the process after a complaint is made and any consequences for these behaviors.
The more knowledgeable your employees are, the less issues with sexual harassment in the future. Once these policies are in place, it is important to write them, distribute them, and remind your employees of them often. Posting information about sexual harassment and how to report it in the employee areas can help keep that information in the forefront of your employees’ minds.
The training, as required by California law, also provides an interactive way for employees to learn more about that behavior. These training sessions should provide real examples of inappropriate behavior. It should also provide resources for your employees if they find themselves to be victims of sexual harassment. When an employee reports these claims, a process should be followed to ensure that the employee is protected while an investigation occurs. This can mean moving employees to another team or putting the alleged harasser on leave. Providing a sense of safety for the victim will help your employees feel comfortable coming to management about any issues that come up and help prevent any more inappropriate behavior from occurring.
What are the Effects of Sexual Harassment?
Besides the legal aspects that come from sexual harassment claims, the overall health and well-being of your company can be compromised when there are sexual harassment issues. Sexual harassment cases have been linked with a significant decrease in productivity and work performance. Victims of harassment can suffer from adverse health, such as frequent headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and heart problems. These issues may lead to higher insurance costs and lower employee attendance.
When there are issues with sexual harassment, the whole team is negatively impacted. When a work group feels there is tension or problems within the group, there is a proven decrease in productivity. So these issues will not just affect the people involved, but it could affect the team as a whole. When you have these issues coming up in your company, you may also see a loss of employee retention. Many victims of sexual harassment have left their job due to these issues.
For more information about the effects sexual harassment can have on the workplace, check out It gives a worldwide overview of the effects these behaviors cause in workplaces. Even as this behavior is illegal, recognizing it and reporting it continues to be difficult. By providing your employees the necessary resources, you will protect them and yourself from these effects.