Back in 2005, CBC released a brand new crime procedural drama, Criminal Minds and ever since then the show has ruled the lives of people. In 2020, the show completed 15 successful seasons but is a 10-episode long season enough to say goodbye. Of course not. The fans are not really happy with the news and hoping for a renewal. But will Criminal Minds return with Season 16? Here is everything that we know about the show.

Criminal Minds Season 16- When Will it Happen?

Millions of fans tune in to CBC to watch this crime series. The show has managed to impress the fans as well as the critics with its characterization, performances, backdrops, pace, script, and direction. The show has got multiple adaptations and spinoffs and rated as one of the most-watched scripted series.

And so with so much love and fan following, the fans are definitely curious to know if there is going to be a next season, or it’s the end. And so we have answers to all your questions.

Criminal Minds Season 16- Renewed or Cancelled?

The last season of Criminal Minds premiered on January 8, 2020. The show ended with a two-hour finale on 19 February 2020. But is that it?

Yes, it is. Variety released an announcement back in 2019 for Criminal Minds Season 15, and at the same time, it announced that it is going to be last and final season. CBS is quite proud of this quintessential hit, and how it is not only successful on cable but online.

The last season was collapsed to only 10-episodes, to which the showrunner Erica Messer said that she didn’t expect the show to run for 325 episodes also. And we are happy that the season finale was not only honoring for the characters but also the fans.

And so it’s confirmed that Criminal Minds Season 15 is the last. The show has signed off after running for 325-successful episodes.

Wrapping Up

So, Criminal Minds Season 16 stands cancelled, it’s not being renewed for a new season. Definitely sad news for the fans, but the show has really entertained us for 16 years, and so we bid it a heartfelt goodbye.


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