Open up a coca-cola bottle and brace up for a quick session of gry kasyno online. What do you do with an empty bottle? Do you throw it away or store it in the cabinet or storeroom for ages? Coca-Cola Brazil came up with a new initiative called ‘returnable bottles.’ It sounds like a good plan, but there are many people who are unaware of what it is. So, here’s a quick post that sheds light on this subject. Are we ready to dive into the article for more details?
What’s the Returnable Bottle System?
There is a circular system in which the customers pay a deposit (indirect) on the purchase of soda (refillable bottle). They get a discount on the next purchase once they return the used/empty bottle to the shop. Moreover, there is a special reward feature that gives you a return rate of more than 90%. The company started this feature to make users feel attached to the Coca-Cola brand. In addition, it drives them to repurchase the product in the future.
The retailers keep these empty bottles and return them to Coca-Cola once a new order has been delivered. Once Coca-Cola gets these empty bottles, they clean them, remove the labels, refill them and then put a fresh label on them. The bottles are then redistributed.
It’s a good initiative, especially because you are reusing the bottle, and manufacturing more of these are required. The bottle cycle lasts up to 25 times, and then it is recycled. What makes it a good initiative is the idea of zero-waste. It is cost-effective and is helping the environment by reducing the number of bottles that are manufactured in factories.
Returnable Bottle System in Germany
A returnable bottle system exists in Germany as well. There are two systems for plastic bottles – either you return them, or you can crush and discard them. Moreover, any bottle that contained non-fizzy liquids is not acceptable. There is an exception like a water bottle (returnable, whether fizzy or no fizz). Wine bottles are non-returnable, whereas beer bottles are returnable.
You would find some people digging trash cans to find returnable bottles. After all, a hundred returnable bottles will fetch you about 15 EUR. The concept of returnable bottles has become popular in many countries. More and more brands are trying to incorporate this idea, and there is a noble thought behind it.
Concluding Thoughts
If the idea is to promote zero waste, then returnable bottles are great. But if you are thinking of saving money and making more of it, you have to sit down and make a budget of how much you will save by getting the bottles back. Consider all the pointers before making a decision. If we look at it from a different perspective, returnable bottles will reduce labor costs, and there will be fewer injuries in the factories. Moreover, when a product is made in a factory, the waste goes to the natural water bodies. So, it is indeed a good idea for zero-waste, but brands need to think about whether it brings any monetary benefits or not.