Reducing Long Daytime Naps

Taking a long nap can seem like a great idea when you are having a slow day, and don’t have much to do. Before you take a long, you need to think twice.

While you might feel good when taking a nap during the day, it is going to complicate things later and make it hard for you to sleep when it is your bedtime. You can end up spending a lot of your time tossing and turning in bed when it is time for sleep, which can mess up your school schedule.

Skipping the Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps people awake and alert. An energy drink or a cup of coffee can solve your tiredness, but it is going to make it hard for you to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest.

It can be challenging to manage caffeine and sleep. Caffeine will reduce the hours you sleep and can affect your sleep cycle, limiting how long you are going to spend in deep sleep. Sleep is essential for your overall health, which is why you need to focus more on getting enough of it. This is why you should manage caffeine and other stimulants that make it hard for you to sleep.

If you want to have an adequate sleep, you should restrict your caffeine consumption to the morning hours. If you have to drink in the afternoon, make sure you don’t drink past 2 pm.

Quit Drinking After Dinner

Alcohol can make you sleepy, but it is going to inhibit important sleep stages such as deep sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM). Drinking alcohol 4-6 hours before going to bed is going to make it hard for you to reach the important stages of sleep.

Alcohol will also dehydrate you, leading to you having to wake up thirsty at night. This disrupts sleep and interferes with the most important stages of the sleep cycle. Having to wake up over and over again is going to shorten the time spent sleeping and can impact the quality of sleep.

Get Moving

The body is meant to be active and move around. This is why it is important to get consistent exercise during the day. When you do this, it makes it easy to get into a deeper sleep at night. You should be careful when exercising because exercising too close to your bedtime is going to make it hard to sleep. This is because vigorous exercise elevates body temperature, which makes it hard for you to fall asleep.

If you want to get the best out of your exercise, consider working out first thing in the morning. When you work out in the morning, it is going to improve your sleep at night. It is also a good time to exercise because it energizes you for the rest of your day.

Dimming the Lights at Night

The circadian rhythm control sleep. Light has a big impact on the body’s circadian rhythm. You should step away from the screens when it is close to your bedtime, whether it is your phone, TV, or computer. If you have to work after dinner, make sure you use a filter on your computer or laptop screens to block out the blue light. The is the wavelength of light that keeps you awake at night.

Limit how much artificial light you are exposed to by avoiding bright screens two to three hours before going to bed. You can use an eye mask or blackout shades when you are in bed to block out unwanted light. This helps you get quality sleep. You can keep light away as you sleep with accessories like blue-light-blocking glasses and eye masks. Light greatly impacts your sleep; make sure you use these accessories.

Getting Comfortable

In order to make sure that you are going to get the best night’s sleep possible your mattress should be comfortable and supportive of your personal preference and sleeping position. If you haven’t replaced your mattress for a while, read these honest customer reviews about Nectar.

Keeping Cool

Room temperature and body temperature both help you fall asleep and remain asleep. The body temperature fluctuates during the day, and it depends on your diet, the temperature of your surroundings, your circadian rhythm, your activity levels, and so on. Your body temperature starts to go down in the evening and reaches its lowest temperature early morning.

If the bedroom is too warm, it affects the body temperature. Your body temperature needs to cool down, or else you have to keep waking up at night. The optimal body temperature for sleep is 65-72 degrees, but everyone may have a different temperature. A breathable, weighted blanket is a good way of keeping cool or warm.

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