There are so many build options for you to choose from in Path of Exile, and this article will outline how a double strike build can benefit you. Specifically, we will first be looking at the Vaal Double Strike Impale Champion, and what the benefits and downsides are. Getting your head around how PoE currency works, finding the best use for PoE trade, and how PoE orbs can factor in. But having the knowledge of an effective build can certainly go a long way.

About Vaal Double Strike

Vaal Double Strike works as a Vaal melee skill in which you can hit enemies with two fast attacks which then summons two doubles of the character which can attack your foes for a certain amount of time. You will see two clones being spawned which will gain a number of effects on the character, and cannot take any damage.

It is important to remember however that they don’t work like other clones in that they aren’t classed as minions, so they cannot take advantage of a minions’ benefits. If they do happen to move too far away meanwhile, they will teleport back to you, and they can also create a visual snapshot when a character uses certain skills.

How the Vaal Double Strike Impale Champion Build Can Help

A champion build in general can be very effective, especially when it comes to both offensive and defensive traits. Meanwhile, with this PoE build you can gain Adrenaline for burst damage with the chance to Impale. You can also expect decent damage when working with ascendancies such as Master of Metal and Lion’s Roar. The clear speeds are great too, and it won’t set your PoE currency back too much either. A final point to make about the build is that you won’t have to worry about swapping your gems out when mapping, though you will need to do so when facing off against bosses that you might struggle against.

Cons of the Build

The downside of the build is how melee-focused it is. The overall need for you to be close to your enemies can often lead you to get killed in a number of situations that other PoE builds could avoid. It’s quite low in life too and though we previously mentioned that it wouldn’t be too detrimental to your PoE currency, it can take quite a lot of investment if you want to get the end-game status. Though there isn’t much need for gem-swapping in a lot of situations, it can be a bit of a pain when you do come to do so.

Double Strike builds can be very effective, but there are a few things to look out for if you are going to attempt it. Keeping an eye on your PoE currency is an important factor, as it will depend entirely on how you plan to use the Path of Exile build itself. Either way, you will find that it is a great PoE build to work towards for clear speeds and a well-balanced offence/defence output.

Have you tried this Vaal Double Strike Impale Champion build? Let us know in the comments section below!

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