We’ve all, at some point in our lives, learned about what a prime number is, but have you ever thought about them when it comes to a game of Bingo?

What is a prime number?

Before we get on to the online Bingo calls, let’s first refresh ourselves about what a prime number is.

A prime number is a whole number that is greater than one, and its factors are one and itself. A factor is a whole number that can be easily divided in half, evenly, into another number.

If a number has more than two factors, more than one and itself, it is known as a composite number.

Fun Fact:  The number one is neither a composite nor a prime number!

Bingo Calls

Now we’ve refreshed ourselves on what a prime number is, let’s take a look at the Bingo calls associated with the prime numbers.

2 – One little duck – due to the number looking like a small duck.

3 – Cup of Tea – tea and three rhyme. Plus, we Brits love a good cuppa!

5 – Man Alive – alive and five rhyme.

7 – Lucky Seven – in many cultures, the number seven is considered to be lucky, including in Bingo.

11 – Legs Eleven – due to the number looking like a pair of legs.

13 – Unlucky for Some – the number 13 is considered unlucky for some.

17 – Dancing Queen – referring to the lyrics from the well-known ABBA song Dancing Queen “… young and sweet, only seventeen”

19 – Goodbye Teens – refers to age, with 19 being the last teenage year.

23 – The Lord is my Shepard – refers to the first verse of Psalm 23 of the Old Testament.

29 – Rise and Shine – rhymes with 29.

31 – Get Up and Run – rhymes with 31.

37 – More than 11 – rhymes with 37.

41 – Time for Fun – rhymes with 41.

43 – Down on Your Knees – refers to a phrase used by British soldiers.

47 – Four and Seven – a simple yet effective way to reference 47.

53 – Stuck in a Tree / Here comes Herbie – depending on the caller, will depend on which they call out. ‘Stuck up a Tree’ rhymes with 53, whereas ‘Here comes Herbie’ is a reference to the Walt Disney film Herbie, who was a racing car with the number 53 on the side.

59 – Brighton Line – refers to how many minutes it takes to travel via train from Brighton to London – 59 minutes!

61 – Bakers Bun – rhymes with 61.

67 – Stairway to heaven – rhymes with 67.

71 – Bang on the Drum – rhymes with 71.

73 – Queen bee – rhymes with 73.

79 – One More Time – rhymes with 79.

83 – Time for Tea – a subtle nod to the nation’s favorite drink, whilst also rhyming with 83.

89 – Nearly There – with 89 being the second to the last number of a 90-ball Bingo game, it references that you’re almost at the end.

Now you know the prime numbers of both a 75 and 90 ball game of Bingo; you’ll be able to impress friends and family the next time you play a game with them!

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