Fabrication of a website isn’t thorny, but some hosting-related lingo and conceptions can be confusing. These fundamental web hosting guidelines will help beginners get up to tempo.

Let’s suppose you are choosing magento hosting. Now, this host will determine the site know-how you present to your visitors. That is why you should be familiar with all of the facts and figures related to web hosting before starting a project.

Although it’s somewhat trouble-free to sign up and use a provider’s supplied hosting, still, there is a bunch of related terms and concepts to wrap your head around. You may find some of them tricky and challenging to understand. So, here are the five essential facts the no one will let you know.

Your host must have a Towering Uptime Guarantee

One of the most crucial and a first to look for factor is the uptime guarantee of your host. It will prove how much your site is SEO friendly.

What actually uptime guarantee is?

Uptime is the percentage of time your website will remain online or active and is accessible to your visitors.

In case your website has a low uptime, all your visitors will get to know about your site will be that it is down or not available yet. It will instantly downgrade the ratings of your site. So make sure that you are choosing a host with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

There’s a Big Difference between Hosting Types

If you are choosing a hosting for your website, then you must be aware of the terms like shared hosting, VPS, Word press, and reseller.

What do these terms exactly refer to?

These terms refer to the different types of web hosting that differ from each other in several aspects. So if you want to go for the cheapest web hosting, then we will recommend you to go for shared web hosting. If you want to pay a little bit more, you can get a better hosting type called VPS. Just search for cheap VPS hosting and you will find an affordable plan.

Unlimited Isn’t Quite Unlimited

Web hosting sites will generally advertise their sites with great packages like unlimited storage or monthly data transfers. But generally, this is not true, and there is no honesty in this.

For instance, Hypernode is a platform that will offer you excellent storage but does not have an unlimited package to offer. So make sure that you choose a web host wisely with moderate features and supporting features.

Choose the host with a fair operating system

Nowadays, almost all of the hosting sites offer Linux operating system that is quite beneficial and easy to use, especially for the newbies. But if you are going for a windows server, it will cost you $10 to 20 more than the Linux.

Your web host should be offering SSL

As Google is now openly showing that this website is not secure. So you have to make sure that the SSL certificate is included in the package you are getting from your host.


Being a newbie in website development, you have to be quite conscious. No doubt, signing up and creating a website is easy to go for the process, but getting a suitable host for yourselves can be a bit tricky. So, it is recommended to go for the most suitable host after thorough research on hosting platforms.

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